Don't Let the Fear Stand in Front of You
“Don’t Let the Fear Stand in Front of You and Hold You Back, Let it Get Behind You and Push You Forward”
Much of our fear is exacerbated by society–‘don’t do this,’you ‘ought’ to do that, you ‘should’ do this–we all do it from time to time, if only to ourselves. We often unknowingly take away our own ability to choose and also the choice of others by ‘telling them what to do,’ and thus, we also take away our freedom which comes from acknowledging that we all have a choice and every choice is valid and okay for that particular person upon their path.
Gut Feelings Are Real, but Should You Really
‘Trust Your Gut’?
When I look back at this time in my life, I often will silently acknowledge that I felt divinely guided.
Regardless of your spiritual belief systems, please feel free to interpret those words anyway you wish; what suits you is best.
For me? After the numbness of my new life wore off, I was able to access my feelings - my gut feelings - so easily. To be honest, yoga allowed much of this to be so.
Yoga as a way to strengthen intuition,works by teaching people how to tune out distractions and focus on a particular thought or object.
Intuition is often described as a “gut feeling” or a “sixth sense,” and it can be a powerful tool.
The old saying “trust your gut” refers to trusting these feelings of intuition, often as a way to stay true to yourself. Following your instinct can certainly direct you toward the best path for you. And yet, you might wonder whether you should put so much trust in a feeling, an instinct you can’t explain. Wouldn’t sticking to logic and reason help you make better decisions? Not always. Science suggests intuition can be a valuable tool in some circumstances. For example, evidence based studies have indicated that heart rates lower with a cognizance feeling or cognizance awareness of a situation
It seems those gut feelings do mean something, and they can often help you make good choices.
If you have a “Nagging Feeling,” follow through with it. It may take perseverance, but don’t misunderstand this as a sign to GIVE UP (NO!) - take this as a sign to PURSUE.
Why? Because, chances are, there is something within your mind, body and spirit that is trying to convey a message. It’s time to listen.
Okay, I acknowledge that I’ve lost half of you to this hocus pocus way of thinking,
except for one thing …
It works.
Within the psyche, very often the only thing we really do have to fear is fear itself. A common unconscious fear for people is being out of control but by acknowledging the out of control fear, we can come back to ourselves and can begin to take control and responsibility for ourselves.
The more synchronicity we experience and the more faith and trust we develop from a Higher Power, it then becomes easier to see that our Higher Power does know more than us and we can let go and stop controlling.
At this point,we begin to notice there is less fear.
Now, I’m not going to tell you there weren’t moments…
I mean, I can’t tell you the number of hikes I took climbing up our local mountains. Oftentimes, I remember beginning a sentence - no, a request (like a teenager bargaining with my parents for the car keys on a Friday night) -
“So, if I promise to stop the ‘comparison game’
(of who had a bigger car or roomier house),
could you pleeeeease help me get better?
I mean, I’ve got two kids to raise!”
Yes, I became a bit adolescent with my cries for help.
And then, one day, I had this overwhelming sense of peace.
I’ll never forget the day
(hike #347 up the mountain),
I no longer needed to negotiate.
I suppose I surrendered.
I just needed to be present.
I must have sat on that windy peak for an hour.
I had heard the message and responded with confidence.
And that is how I’ve been ever since.
In reality, there are still things in my life that BUG ME.
But I’m done with fear.
It’s not there anymore.
I mean, I can’t go on roller coasters or Disneyland elevator rides that drop quickly.
I fear those things big time.
Those things scare the Sh%t out of me
But I don’t have fear of living
Nor fear of not living.
I trust my gut.
I allow the fear to push me forward
Into peace.
Wishing you great peace wherever your journey takes you.