Who Finishes YOUR Sentences?
I believe that some of the most meaningful abundance a person can acquire in this world is the pure and joyous richness of true friendships. What are the friendships that enrich your life? To make these friendships even richer, consider spending fantastic bonding time during a body, mind, spirit retreat.
Over the past six months, I’ve written about the importance of family and friends. Recalling significant stories and events that enhanced my (our) overall experiences in ways I could not have orchestrated even if I tried! Without these people in my life, these experiences would have been truncated, abbreviated, or perhaps even ceased to have even existed.
Most recently, my husband and I have been watching “Get Back” with the Beatles. You know–the documentary about a documentary (a film editor's dream, especially if you're a Beatles fan). We’ve just finished our 5th hour of the show and aside from witnessing the magical moments of beloved songs in their embryological state, Michael and I continue to comment back and forth to one another, “They’re finishing each other’s sentences.” Ranging in age from 25-29 years old when they wrote this final album, two of the four had been together for approximately 15 years and could read each other’s musical cues so thoroughly. When other bands would write 15 songs hoping for one hit, Get Back showed us a band musically piecemealing 15 hits; the only thing is, no one knew it at the time.
They were ending an impactful career at the age
when many begin theirs.
Friendships allow for a sense of belonging and purpose. Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem, a registered marriage and family therapist, describes the importance of friendships to include a sense of connectedness and personal growth. "Having someone in our life who thinks we are important—someone who wants our opinion on things and who values our company—makes us feel wanted, boosting self-esteem."
Belleghem continues, “Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health.”
Spending time with friends is one of the few pleasures in life that can cost you very little, but reward you substantially. It is also proven to be one of the best ways to combat stress. Spending time with your friends can help melt away the cares of the world, and leave you a better person all around.
In the spirit of growing the connections between you and your besties, this week, I am offering two BFF Specials for you to choose from. The Writer’s Movement retreat AND the Horses, Art and Yoga (HAY) day retreat, Each one allows for you to carve out time for yourself (rather than just carving a turkey for others).
In listening to Paul McCartney formulate the inner workings of the song Let it Be, I’m reminded of why I have the people in my life that surround me—throughout my successes and throughout my troubles—they speak their words of wisdom and pull me back together to remind me, “Just Let it Be.”
During the holidays this year, may we all raise a cup of cheer to friends, new and old, who are the jewels that enrich our lives.
I consider you a friend and I thank you for your love and support. This one’s to you!