Writers and Riders
Writers and Riders
Have A Lot in Common
Natalie Juteau
September 14, 2014
I realized yesterday that writing books and riding horses have a lot in common. Both can be a bit scary. There have been times when my hands shake and my heart races right before I get on a horse that intimidates me. There have been lessons where I’ve had to give my students a pep talk and then coax them into the saddle.
Horseback riding is fun and invigorating and gives you a rush of adrenaline, but it can also be pretty darn scary. Writing books is the same way.
-Natalie Juteau
Join me and my friend and fellow editor, Kayden Baker McInnis, on an adventure an hour from Salt Lake City
Allow us to take you away to a ranch where horses reside, yoga is abundant, food is delicious,home fires are tended, beds are comfortable and “YES!” to writing it all down for those moments to process, feel and share sweet opportunities with one another. Riding and Writing are deeply connected.
Included is our own Natural Horsemanship trainer who will assist us in understanding the natural wisdom of horses and how they communicate to humans. Engaging in this way offers insights into embodiment, our connection with nature and the writing process itself. For those interested, we will also go horseback riding.
It’s magic!
Riding and Writing is a way to bring yourself home renewed and enlivened.
Check out the link and join us this fall for a wonderful time adventuring together.