Saturn Return Children

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The cute one nibbling on his fingers is my eldest. He’s 27 years old today. He’s a Scorpio thru and thru.

When I think about this baby time, I think of all the support I needed. We didn’t have family in the area, so we relied on community. Before we integrated into the school community, we integrated into the playgroup community. Amazingly enough, we just happened to find (in SLC no less!) a community of moms who had kids later in life like we did! It was a miracle. A sign of all good things to come.

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These Women Saved Me

(and in many respects, still do)

All of us had careers and when it was time for babies, we found ourselves 37-40 year old first time moms! How we supported one another is where the gratitude lies. We were able to celebrate the wrinkles and the stretch marks simultaneously - AND we didn’t worry about it so much!

Support from mates was also vital too.

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Michael, the one in the turquoise shirt, participated in everything I did: Playgroup dates (if it was my work day), Music Together program, swimming lessons. He changed just as many diapers as I did. His days off were often my work days and visa versa. We felt fortunate - and we still do.

But these boys are now entering their first Saturn Return! 

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What Does That Mean Exactly?

When I turned 27, 80% of my friends were getting married. I hadn’t even had any significant dates by this time. I was traveling, schooling, trying to see the world on a shoestring budget. 

When Michael turned 27, he met me! 

‘Nuff said. 

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Technically, a Saturn Return is:

In horoscopic astrology, a Saturn return is an astrological transit that occurs when the planet Saturn returns to the same ecliptic longitude that it occupied at the moment of a person's birth. While the planet may not first reach the exact location until the person is 29 or 30 years old, the influence of the Saturn return is considered to start in the person's late twenties, notably the age of 27.

Now … I’m really not wanting to be a Debbie Downer, but “We’ve all heard of the 27 Club.” You may know them as influential musical artists who helped shape our childhood, brought long needed aspects to the musical industry and helped us dig deeper into artistic thinking; let it be said, the 27 Club is a noted and a fascinating phenomenon. But the bottom line to focusing on this “27 Club”  is we should also consider how this excludes other brilliant and influential musicians who also died prematurely, just not at the exact age of 27. (For instance: Otis Redding at 26, Jeff Buckley at 30, Prince at 57- were these not tragic losses?) Does it really matter how old they were?

So, this brings me back to our boys.

Saturn Return ushers in a pivotal chapter defined by self-reflection, growth, and transformative challenges. Taking place in your late 20s, late 50s, and late 80s, this celestial milestone is known for shaping your path toward true potential and important personal accountability, but it’s certainly not for the faint of heart. 

Indeed, the Saturn Return is infamously intense, often bringing significant life shifts that test your resilience and demand you confront your biggest fears. 

No biggie! (right?)

In our combined families, Benjamin is in his late 20’s, Michael is in his late 50’s and all three of our remaining parents are in their late 80’s. We’ve got the bases covered! All three of them are in A Saturn Return!

Benjamin: Saturn in Scorpio: Lessons around intimacy and trust

Michael: Saturn in Sagittarius: Lessons around expansion and growth

Parents: Saturn in Leo: Lessons around pride and ego (Parent #1)

Saturn in Capricorn: Lessons around success and legacy (Parent #2)

Saturn in Pisces: Lessons around spirituality and boundaries (Parent #3)

When Saturn returns to its home base in our birth charts, however, the gas giant inspires us to reevaluate every aspect of life to ensure that we’re fulfilling our greatest potential. 

Generally speaking, this powerful time is defined by profound growing pains. Once our Saturn return is complete, we are totally and completely prepared to live our best life — however we each define it.

For these boys, however …

Because Saturn is the planet of responsibilities, time, and wisdom, a Saturn Return is, basically, your astrological coming of age. Think of it as the push you need to enter true adulthood.

Your late 20’s are a time when massive, life-changing transformation occurs. Think breaking up, making up, swapping careers, changing cities, and — perhaps most important — blossoming into our true selves unapologetically. 

During your first Saturn Return, you begin to break away from societal pressure, trading expectations for honest experiences. This time of growth allows you to redefine your path, leading you toward your deepest values and authentic desires.

Reflect on your own Saturn returns, whether they are upcoming or in your rear view.  Having our people from this perspective, nurtures growth and understanding. 

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Scott Moore

Scott Moore is a senior teacher of yoga and mindfulness in New York City and Salt Lake City. He’s currently living in Southern France. When he's not teaching or conducting retreats, he writes for Conscious Life News, Elephant Journal, Mantra Magazine, and his own blog at Scott also loves to trail run, play the saxophone, and travel with his wife and son.

Is your gut calm, but your mind is a wreck?


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