On Becoming a Teacher Part 5
One day, Mrs. Flynn asked us to write - what I later discovered was a fairly common essay question - “What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?” After completing the essay, I would place my hand in a plate of plaster of paris to imprint this moment in time. Later we painted the negative space red.
Kevättalvi is Finnish
It means: Spring-Winter in English.
In Finland, we have a halfway season. It isn’t official, but many know it and use the term.
Horses and Daughters
Because my daughter grew up with horses
She has learned to learn on her own.
She has had teachers that cannot speak, nor write, nor communicate beyond body language and reactions.
"Wellness" means the "Whole Body"
Bottom Line …
Michael and I have lived a rather modest life for the first two thirds of it. We are now Allowing ourselves the opportunity to actualize our dreams that we have had our whole life. Allowing ourselves is half the battle.
Hallows Eve (approaching)
Since ancient times, gathering the harvest has been vitally important. Harvesting events in the agricultural season is where whole communities would turn out to bring the harvest home. A harvest supper was held once the last of the harvest was brought back to the farm. For us, we appreciate the gathering of folks to break bread, share some soup and gather around a fire.
A Union of Many Colors
Throughout each of our lives, there have been many Unions (of all sorts) - and within our marriage (without losing our own individual identities), there has been a single Union of the heart.
Peering into the Looking Glass
In my blog written on the 29th of August 2021, I wrote about Warriors and my students who represented such.
We were just returning back from a year of ZOOM and my students and I were getting to know each other in-person. (all over again)
I wrote about their resiliency and how I wished I could look into a Looking Glass into the future of their 8th grade year to see the results of our connection efforts made over ZOOM with them during their 5th grade year.